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Realty in the Mountains Blog
 Steve R Patterson
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Big Changes in Real Estate: What Realtors Need to Know This Weekend

Big Changes in Real Estate: What Realtors Need to Know This Weekend

Aug 19 2024

Alright, check this out, fellow realtors! Big changes are hitting the Realtor world this weekend that'll shake up how we do things. Grab a hot cup of joe and let's talk about what's new and how it'll affect our biz.


What's Changing With Commissions?

So, get this – the way we handle commissions is totally changing starting this weekend. It used to be that the seller paid a big chunk – like 5 or 6% of the sale price – and that got split between the seller's agent and the buyer's agent. That's been the deal for ages, but not anymore.

From now on, sellers aren't on the hook for the buyer's agent's cut. Instead, buyers and their agents have to work out their own deal. This means more upfront stuff for everyone, but it also gives buyers and sellers more say over their money.

Why the Change?

So, these changes happened because a bunch of people sued the National Association of Realtors. They said the old way of doing commissions was unfair and kept prices high. The lawsuit ended up winning, and now we've got these new rules to make everything more fair and open.

How Will This Affect Us?

So, what does this mean for us realtors? Well, we gotta be super clear with our clients about our fees and why they should hire us. Buyers will have to sign a deal with their agent before seeing any houses, saying how much they'll pay the agent. It's a bit more paperwork, but it also gives us a chance to show off our skills and get better deals for our clients.


A Personal Story

Alright, let me tell you a quick story. A few years ago, I was helping this young couple buy their first place. They were really tight on cash, and every dollar mattered. Back then, the big commissions really stressed them out. Can you imagine how much easier it would've been for them to make a deal they liked without those big fees upfront? These new changes are gonna help a lot of people like them.

Looking Ahead

Sure, it might seem scary at first, but these changes could be awesome for our business! By being upfront and getting good deals for everyone, we can build rock-solid relationships with our clients and make buying a house a breeze for them.

So, let's jump on board with this new system and use it to become even better at what we do. Happy selling out there!

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