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 Steve R Patterson
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Save Money And Plan Ahead When Buying A Home

Save Money And Plan Ahead When Buying A Home

Apr 20 2017

It is possible to save money on your new construction home, despite such expenses as closing costs, earnest money and moving expenses.


As soon as you have an idea of your closing date, start shopping around for appliances, especially as a washer, dryer and refrigerator often isn't included in your home price. You can often delay your delivery date with the store if you find some appliances you like.


It may pay you to start putting money away towards the deposits that you will almost certainly need, especially if you are moving to a different city or state. Internet and satellite television may also require a deposit, and the purchase of equipment.

Window Treatments

Shopping around for blinds or curtains may be a good thing to do, once you have some idea of what you need. Window coverings generally aren't included in most new construction homes packages.


Furniture can be one of your biggest expenses, and setting aside money for new furniture is recommended, whether its for the living room, guest bedroom or outdoor deck. You may find that the layout and size of your new home isn't suitable for your existing furniture.


The backyard on a new home is often unfinished and not fenced in, despite the great looking front yard, and you may end up paying to get the backyard how you want it to look. You may be required to finish your yard by a certain time if your new property is subject to homeowners' regulations.

A little planning ahead can ease the financial burden of moving into your new home, and can make it an exciting and positive experience.

How Much To Spend To Build New House?

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