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Visiting A Haunted Ghost Town

Oct 31 2016


If you're looking to spend this Halloween in a haunted ghost town, you might want to visit Johnsonville, Connecticut. This deserted mill town, founded in 1802, was once a thriving community, until it was mysteriously struck by lightning in 1972, causing a massive fire. The town was then deserted until Raymond Schmitt, an aerospace manufacturer, purchased the property with the intention of restoring it. Unfortunately, Schmitt died in 1998 and the town has since fallen into disrepair when it was abandoned again.

The town of Johnsonville, totaling 62 acres, has several abandoned buildings, including Victorian-era houses, a general store, a school, a post office and a church. It is currently up for sale for just under $2 million, however, it may be that the new owner may also acquire a few ghosts in the bargain. Rumors are abounding that the ghosts of the town's former mill workers have been reluctant to leave and still haunt at least one of the homes on the property. The ghosts are mostly seen in the home's parlor area, where it was customary to lay out bodies before burial. Others claim that the ghost of Raymond Schmitt himself still wanders the property, perhaps reflecting on his unfinished business of the town's restoration.

GHOST TOWN Johnsonville Connecticut 4SALE AGAIN

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