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Bay Buchanan Enters The World Of Real Estate

Feb 01 2013

Bay Buchanan, spinning for Romney

Bay Buchanan, spinning for Romney (Photo credit: nicco)

Bay Buchanan Enters The World Of Real Estate

The Former United States Treasurer, Angela "Bay" Buchanan, is stepping into a new role in sales.  This follows a typical mold when it comes to career change for politicians.  First comes a public office campaign, then attaching to a new pol, followed by using the speaking circuit to his or her advantage.

Bay Buchanan Transitions Into Sales

The prior U.S. Treasurer, and conservative commentator, has agreed to sell property with McEnearney Associates in McLean.

The regular on Fox television network has been reported as saying she wants to do something different.  Her full-time job is now that of selling property, as a real estate agent.

Buchanan was greatly effected by presidential candidate Mitt Romey's loss.  She grew tired of negative politics.  Following the election, she obtained her license in the state of Virginia to sell public dwellings.

Buchanan has been quoted as saying she is really excited about her new career.  Fixing up houses and tearing down walls is both a career and an enjoyable task.  As a Washington D.C. native she desires to expand into Maryland and Washington as well.

Lack Of Experience Poses No Threat

According to her new boss, Paul DiCicco, Buchanan has a far-reaching influence.  She has many acquaintances in the area.

Buchanan plans on giving up politics entirely, or at least for the next six months.  Elizabeth Kucinich, another public figure, also made the same career move.  Property sales appears to be the new "it" career.

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